There is a Legacy version

Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Armor offers solid, reassuring protection in combat, and as someone who faces danger on a regular basis, you have made it your business to get the most out of your defenses. You stand solid on any battlefield, encased in the sturdiest armor you can find. When danger threatens, your solid defenses will safely get you, and hopefully your companions, home again. As a sentinel, you might be part of an order of knights or bodyguards who trained you how best to take advantage of heavy armor. On the other hand, you might just be an adventurer who took one too many grievous injuries and decided enough was enough, so you trained yourself to wear the heaviest plate you could get your hands on. Some witches or sorcerers have chosen to follow the path of the sentinel to increase their survivability. While this is less common, it's not less effective. Few will argue against stronger, heavier armor leading to a longer life, and as every turtle knows, it's always nice to have a nice hard shell to fall back on when threatened. No one has a tougher shell than a sentinel. Even in the midst of great battles, you know that your armor is your greatest ally. It won't abandon you, break, or falter as things get tough. You can rely on your armor to see you through whatever tough fights lie ahead, and the odds always seem better when you're protected.
Archetype Dedication Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Archetype Sentinel
You have trained carefully to maximize the protective qualities of your armor. You become trained in light armor and medium armor. If you already were trained in light armor and medium armor, you gain training in heavy armor as well. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in any type of armor (but not unarmored defense), you also gain that proficiency in the armor types granted to you by this feat. If you have a class feature that grants you expert proficiency in unarmored defense and you're 13th level or higher, you also become an expert in the armor types granted to you by this feat.
Archetype Skill Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Archetypes Sentinel,
Stalwart Defender*
Prerequisites Sentinel Dedication; trained in
Survival* This archetype offers Steel Skin at a different level than displayed here.
You wear your armor like a second skin, taking comfort in the protection it offers. You don't become
fatigued if you sleep while wearing armor.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Archetype SentinelPrerequisites Sentinel Dedication
You have trained hard to optimize your armor's unique protective qualities to maximize the materials used in its creation. You gain the armor specialization effects for all armors you are proficient with.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Archetypes Sentinel,
Stalwart Defender*
Prerequisites Sentinel DedicationTrigger An adjacent enemy critically fails an attack roll to
Strike you with a melee weapon or unarmed attack.
Requirements You are wearing medium armor or heavier.
* This archetype offers Armored Rebuff at a different level than displayed here.
You rebuff puny attacks with your armor, knocking back your foe. Attempt an
Athletics check to
Shove the triggering enemy, even if you don't have a hand free. If you succeed, you can't
Stride to follow the enemy, as you're knocking the enemy back with the rebounded attack, not by physically moving towards them.
Archetype Source Player Core 2 pg. 215Archetypes Sentinel,
Stalwart Defender*
Prerequisites Sentinel Dedication* This archetype offers Mighty Bulwark at a different level than displayed here.
Thanks to the incredible connection you have forged with your armor, you can use it to shrug off an extensive array of dangers. Your bonus from the
bulwark armor trait increases from +3 to +4, and it applies on all Reflex saves, not just damaging Reflex saves.