General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Valmar's Pit TrapHazard 4

Legacy Content

Mechanical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 49
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 25 (expert)
Description The ground here is made of loosely packed soil that, when stepped upon, collapses.
Disable DC 22 Survival (trained) to reinforce the dirt so it's safe to walk on, or DC 18 Thievery (trained) to collapse the trap from a safe distance.
AC 10, Fort +2, Ref +3
Hardness 1, HP 6 (BT 3); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Collapse [reaction] Trigger A creature steps onto any space in the dotted area on the map, or at least 30 pounds of pressure is put on the area; Effect The ground gives way. The triggering creature falls 20 feet down the hole, taking 10 bludgeoning damage and landing prone in area E10. A creature can Grab an Edge to avoid falling.
Reset Creatures can still fall into the pit, but the soil must be replaced for the trap to become hidden again.