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2/3/25 9:33 PM PST

Hello everyone! We have a mythic sized update for you today with the new War of Immortals and supporting mythic section of the site! Check out the details below and thanks as always for your support!

New Books

- [RPG] War of Immortals

Site Updates

- We've updated the Archives with the latest Fall 2024 errata

12/15/24 9:30 PM PST

Hello everyone and happy holidays! We have another update for you before the end of the year, this time with the Tian Xia Character Guide! Our team has continued the regular pace since Player Core 2 and our other missing content is not that far behind. In addition to shouting out the whole team, I'd like to give a huge thanks to Fern and Jackson, our latest data entry members, for their quick acclimation to the team and in getting everything in as fast as they have.

Our next update goal is War of Immortals, along with the latest errata that Paizo has put out for a number of remastered products. We don't have a hard estimate for a date but we're optimistic to have another update for you soon.

Thanks as always for your support, and enjoy!

New Books

Site Updates

  • Animal Companion page updated with search filter
  • Player Core 1 and 2 Class Kits have been added
  • Player Core 1 sample builds have been added

11/9/24 10:00 PM PST

Hello everyone! Our team is very happy to finally present to you the completed Player Core 2! We want to thank everyone for their patience on us getting this one out - the team has a had a rough year in many ways and being able to focus on this hasn't always been easy. Fortunately, things are looking up - we have some new data entry members (Jackson & Fern) helping the data entry team and with their help and some process improvements, we're hoping to get our books caught up by the start of next year. The Tian Xia Character Guide and War of Immortals are still in front of us, but content-wise are a lot less daunting than PC2 was - we hope to get those added to the site before the holidays, along with the missed APs.

Thank you to the AoN team for their hard work in the last two weeks - especially to Milan for managing the countdown checklist and the final content delivery. We'd also like to thank all of our users once more for supporting the Archives - as always, if you spot any issues with the new content, you can visit one of our Discord channels and let us know of the issue.

New Books

Site Updates

  • We've added the winning themes from the Howl of the Wild, Absalom, and Boneyard contests to the site - congratulations to JurianChibo, Bresk, and Cutethulhu! More contests will be coming in the future once we've got other things more caught up.
  • Spell pages will now show if a related Catalyst item exists.

8/15/24 9:00 PM PST

Hello all! The Archives of Nethys is excited to announce that we are going to be running a regular set of contests to have users create new themes for the site. Each contest will be inspired by a new rulebook or a part of Golarion and the winning theme will be featured on the site in Shelyn's Corner (located in the top-right corner of the site).

Certain contests will be for permanent themes while others will be rotating, available for several months before disappearing to make way for new themes. All submitted themes will be judged by the AoN team members and we'll pick the one we feel best embodies the contest inspiration, is aesthetically pleasing, and is easy to use on the site.

The first contest's inspiration will be Howl of the Wild. Join Baranthet Zamendi and the crew of the Zoetrope as they search for the legends of the Wardens of the Wild. When submitting your theme, please put [Howl of the Wild] in the subject line.

All submissions must be received by 25 August, 11:59 PM (PST). We'll try and have a winner announced by the end of the month, and have some new contests announced for September.

Please bear with us as we figure out this process. Contest details are subject to change between contests as we figure out what works and what doesn't work.

Contest Instructions

1. Go to our Theme Designer page. Read the contest rules and make sure you understand them.
2. Play around with the color sliders until you find a theme you like. Then go to the bottom-left where it says "Share" and copy that code (the code starts with "primary-bg")
3. Send an email to with the contest inspiration in the subject line. In the body, please paste the code you copied in step 2 and provide a name for your submission. The name will be used to announce the winner and to attribute the theme when it's on the site; it can be your name, a username, or the name of one of your characters.

7/22/24 10:15 PM PST

Hello everyone! We've been hard at work ingesting the new content, and tonight we have Howl of the Wild ready for your viewing. We're happy to announce that we're also in the process of onboarding a new data entry team member, named Fern - they will begin assisting Devin in the PF2e data load so that we can get caught back up with the regular releases. We're planning to bring on a third as well, just to make sure we have full coverage.

I also want to give a big shout out to Tim and Jon (our data entry specialists from SF and PF1e) for getting all of the art sorted out and into our systems. We've missed some of the art with our last few books but Howl of the Wild AND Monster Core are both now caught up. Others should get their illustrations in with the coming updates.

In the mean time, please be sure to check out the new additions to the search engine - pages with our filter will have more details in the "What's New" section up top. Of particular note is a new "filter menu" built right into the search box, so you can more easily access some of the advanced filtering options that our search provides.

Thanks as always for your support - we'll have more to come soon!

New Books