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8/15/24 9:00 PM PST

Hello all! The Archives of Nethys is excited to announce that we are going to be running a regular set of contests to have users create new themes for the site. Each contest will be inspired by a new rulebook or a part of Golarion and the winning theme will be featured on the site in Shelyn's Corner (located in the top-right corner of the site).

Certain contests will be for permanent themes while others will be rotating, available for several months before disappearing to make way for new themes. All submitted themes will be judged by the AoN team members and we'll pick the one we feel best embodies the contest inspiration, is aesthetically pleasing, and is easy to use on the site.

The first contest's inspiration will be Howl of the Wild. Join Baranthet Zamendi and the crew of the Zoetrope as they search for the legends of the Wardens of the Wild. When submitting your theme, please put [Howl of the Wild] in the subject line.

All submissions must be received by 25 August, 11:59 PM (PST). We'll try and have a winner announced by the end of the month, and have some new contests announced for September.

Please bear with us as we figure out this process. Contest details are subject to change between contests as we figure out what works and what doesn't work.

Contest Instructions

1. Go to our Theme Designer page. Read the contest rules and make sure you understand them.
2. Play around with the color sliders until you find a theme you like. Then go to the bottom-left where it says "Share" and copy that code (the code starts with "primary-bg")
3. Send an email to with the contest inspiration in the subject line. In the body, please paste the code you copied in step 2 and provide a name for your submission. The name will be used to announce the winner and to attribute the theme when it's on the site; it can be your name, a username, or the name of one of your characters.

7/22/24 10:15 PM PST

Hello everyone! We've been hard at work ingesting the new content, and tonight we have Howl of the Wild ready for your viewing. We're happy to announce that we're also in the process of onboarding a new data entry team member, named Fern - they will begin assisting Devin in the PF2e data load so that we can get caught back up with the regular releases. We're planning to bring on a third as well, just to make sure we have full coverage.

I also want to give a big shout out to Tim and Jon (our data entry specialists from SF and PF1e) for getting all of the art sorted out and into our systems. We've missed some of the art with our last few books but Howl of the Wild AND Monster Core are both now caught up. Others should get their illustrations in with the coming updates.

In the mean time, please be sure to check out the new additions to the search engine - pages with our filter will have more details in the "What's New" section up top. Of particular note is a new "filter menu" built right into the search box, so you can more easily access some of the advanced filtering options that our search provides.

Thanks as always for your support - we'll have more to come soon!

New Books

5/27/24 9:30 PM PST

Hi all! I appreciate your patience in waiting and am happy to inform you that Monster Core (among many others) is now live! To help with this update (and other future ones) we've brought on a new developer to help with the site maintenance, named Chris! He's already checked in some improvements to the remaster code (and other bits) with this update. He and the rest of the team have worked hard on this update, with lots of chunky statblocks finding their homes onto the shelves (big thanks to everyone that worked on the data entry for that one). Full details are below - thanks again and enjoy the update!

New Books

Site Updates

  • The latest errata has been applied for Guns & Gears and the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide
  • We have updated tagging on some legacy mechanics with no remaster counterparts to make them more visible in remaster pages
  • Art is still pending on some of the new content (Monster Core and APs) and will be coming in the next week or two when we update to fix any found bugs

3/13/24 12:01 AM PST

Hello everyone! I think you've all waited long enough - I am very happy to present to you the newly Remastered Archives of Nethys!

The lengthier details are below, but before we get into those I wanted to give a quick summary of the changes, for those interested in jumping right in.

AoN can now be viewed in one of two modes - "Remastered" (the default) or "Legacy". To change your preference, simply open Shelyn's Corner (icon in the top-right of the site) and adjust the setting there. Preferring "Remastered" content means you want to see the rules as presented in Player Core, GM Core, and the other upcoming Remastered products like Monster Core. Preferring "Legacy" content means you want to see the rules as presented in the Core Rulebook, Gamemastery Guide, Bestiary, etc. The site will react according to this preference, directing you to your preferred rules even if you search or access something from the other version.

There are more details on how this all works below, for those interested. Otherwise, I wanted to give a humongous shout out and thank you to everyone on the AoN team who's made this update possible. My own life has been more chaotic than I care to admit (which as a formerly True Neutral deity before the remaster, chaos does upset me) and the whole team has stepped up in a huge way to take on the challenges this update presented. Milan is responsible for the vast majority of development changes this required, enabling all of our different pages to react appropriately to the new setting. Andreas has been engineering our search engine and tables to handle this same reactiveness, along with ensuring the previews properly reflect your choice. As always, Devin has been a monster at data entry, and these books required an absolute load beyond our usual month to month. The rest of the team (Jon, Jonny, Kao, Star, Tim) all pitched in and helped out wherever they could, whether it was finding bugs before release, adding hyperlinks, jumping in with data entry, or more.

This remaster has been a lot of work and change to support in the way we wanted, and I hope everyone that uses the site can enjoy the changes the team has put in. Again, thank you to everyone on the AoN team - I hope all of you know how insurmountable this project would have been without each and everyone of you.

The rest of the details on the update are below - thank you again to the team, to all of our fans for their patience in waiting, and to Paizo for continuing to develop a system worth supporting this way. Please enjoy the newly remastered Archives of Nethys!

Remastered & Legacy - Details

As mentioned before, there is a new setting in Shelyn's Corner that determines how the site will direct you to much of its content. This setting will determine how much of AoN reacts to your searches and navigation, specifically with "hybrid" content - mechanics which exist both in Legacy and Remastered, though they may have different names or rules (ex: Magic Missile and Force Barrage). In these cases, you will always be referred to whichever version exists in the rules you prefer. For example, if you prefer Remastered, then:
  • Searching for "Magic Missile" will return the link for "Force Barrage"
  • Going to the link for "Magic Missile" will auto-redirect you to the "Force Barrage" version
  • On pages like these, a link backwards to the Legacy version will be present - these links add in a parameter to the URL that prevents the redirect, so at your choosing you can view what the rule looks like in the other version.
  • Content that is not hybrid (rules which existed in Legacy that have not yet been converted to Remaster, or new rules in Remaster that did not have direct Legacy counterparts) will be visible no matter which setting you choose. We will have a warning banner over rules that come from a different version, as some mechanics may work differently between versions, but otherwise the rules will be accessible.
  • Previews will also respond to your preference. In this example, whether you hover over a link to the legacy Magic Missile or the remaster Force Barrage, your preview will show Force Barrage.

New Books

Other Site Updates

  • Search updates have been moved to a "What's new?" box, visible above any given search window. This will appear maximized the first time we have new updates but will remain minimized after you have closed it once.
  • Quick display option links have been added to several pages that use the search.
  • Rituals, Sources, and Trait pages have been updated to use the search engine.
  • Spell List and Table views have been merged into one page with links to quick display either view.

Known Issues / Upcoming

  • Art that is assigned to a legacy mechanic does not show on its remastered version yet. We are working on a fix for this that will show the art on all copies of a given mechanic, remaster or legacy (unless we choose to overwrite with version specific art).
  • We have not yet added in rules updates for the Champion, or any other remaster update on rules that have not yet been printed. We will be adding in everything for the Champion with Player Core 2.
  • Not every section has links between legacy and remaster versions yet - we hit the major rules but still need to add the links in to other locations. The look of this link is also not final - we hope to replace it with a better looking graphic near the header.

2/25/24 2:56 PM PST

Hello everyone!

You all have been waiting for a long time, and I assure you, the wait is almost over. The team has not only completed entry of Player Core, but is well on their way to finishing GM Core as well, meaning we can do a full launch of both Remaster books in the same release.

As for that release date, we are pleased to announce it is coming to you soon on Wednesday, March 13th. I know this may still seem a ways off to some, but it is what fate has decided is the time needed for us to finish entry of the books and do enough bug fixing and polish so that the launch is as smooth as possible.

I want to give a humongous thanks to not just the entire AoN team, but specific shout-outs to Andreas, Devin, and Milan - these three have shouldered the lion's share of data entry and updates and we would not be getting as amazing as a finished product without their efforts.

As for what's next - after the Remaster, we plan on focusing purely on Monster Core until that's in. We're estimating 4-6 weeks after the Remaster launches before we'll have Monster Core. Past that, we'll catch up on any missed APs and other products, then get back to our normal monthly releases.

Until then, thank you as always for sticking with us, and we hope you enjoy the final update as much as we do. Happy gaming!