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Phistophilus FiddleItem 3

Legacy Content

Unique Enchantment Magical Relic 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 205 1.1
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
Aspects: artistry and fiend (LE)
Made of pure gold with platinum strings, the phistophilus fiddle shouldn't be able to play a note—but play it does, so beautifully that it can move almost any audience. The fiddle was stolen from the contract devil who created it, and the cunning fiend still wants to reclaim the instrument. Fiendish misfortunes often befall its owners, allowing it to switch hands. The fiddle is a handheld virtuoso instrument.

Minor Gifts: little helper, muse (Performance)
Major Gifts: charming, fiendish bargain
Grand Gift: artistic perfection (Performance)