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Swashbuckler Styles
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 86 2.0
As a swashbuckler, you have your own distinctive style that enables you to gracefully handle everyday events and life-or-death situations alike. Choose a swashbuckler's style. This style determines the additional actions you use to gain panache and makes you trained in the skill related to that action. The styles presented in this book are as follows.
Exemplary Finisher9th
You execute your finishing moves with spectacular flair, adding special effects to your finishers. If a Strike you make as part of a finisher hits a foe, you add one of the following effects to the Strike, depending on your swashbuckler's style.
BattledancerLegacy Content
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 84 2.0To you, a fight is a kind of performance art, and you command your foes' attention with mesmerizing motions. You are trained in Performance and gain the
Fascinating Performance skill feat. You gain panache during an encounter when the result of your
Performance check to
Perform exceeds the Will DC of an observing foe, even if the foe isn't
You can Step as a free action immediately after the finisher.
Legacy Content
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 84 2.0You boast, taunt, and psychologically needle your foes. You are trained in
Intimidation. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you successfully
Demoralize a foe.
If the foe was temporarily immune to your Demoralize, their temporary immunity ends.
Legacy Content
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 84 2.0You move carefully, feinting and creating false openings to lead your foes into inopportune attacks. You are trained in
Deception. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you successfully
Feint or
Create a Diversion against a foe.
Legacy Content
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 84 2.0You reposition, maneuver, and bewilder your foes with daring feats of physical prowess. You are trained in
Athletics. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you successfully
Shove, or
Trip a foe.
If the foe is grabbed, restrained, or prone, you gain a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to twice the number of weapon damage dice.
Source Player Core 2 pg. 161 1.1You aren’t afraid to use underhanded tactics to get the edge over your opponents. You are trained in
Thievery and gain the
Dirty Trick general feat. When you use Dirty Trick, the action gains the
bravado trait.
The foe takes a –10 circumstance penalty to its speed until the start of your next turn.
Legacy Content
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 85 2.0You are friendly, clever, and full of humor, always knowing just what to say in any situation. Your witticisms leave foes unprepared for the skill and speed of your attacks. You are trained in
Diplomacy and gain the
Bon Mot skill feat. You gain panache during an encounter whenever you succeed at a Bon Mot against a foe.
The foe takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls against you until the start of your next turn.