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Witch Details | Witch Feats | Witch Focus Spells | Witch Kits | Witch Sample Builds | Lessons | Patron Themes

There is a Remastered version here.


Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 99 2.0
A witch's knowledge from their patron comes in the form of lessons, which you can learn by selecting feats like Basic Lesson. Each lesson grants you a hex and teaches your familiar a new spell, adding it to the spells you can prepare using your witch spellcasting. You gain this spell even if it's not on your tradition's spell list.

Basic Lessons

You can select from these lessons when a feat or another effect grants you a basic lesson.

PFS LimitedLesson of Calamity

Legacy Content

Source Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic pg. 75
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the stumbling curse hex, and your familiar learns ill omen.

PFS StandardLesson of Dreams

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the veil of dreams hex, and your familiar learns sleep.

PFS StandardLesson of Life

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the life boost hex, and your familiar learns spirit link.

PFS StandardLesson of Protection

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the blood ward hex, and your familiar learns mage armor.

PFS StandardLesson of the Elements

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the elemental betrayal hex. Your familiar learns your choice of burning hands, air bubble, hydraulic push, or pummeling rubble.

PFS StandardLesson of Vengeance

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Basic
You gain the needle of vengeance hex, and your familiar learns phantom pain.

Greater Lessons

You can select from these lessons when a feat or another effect grants you a greater lesson.

PFS StandardLesson of Decay

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 62 2.1
Lesson Type Greater
All living things eventually decay, feeding fungus and insect. You gain the mycological malady hex, and your familiar learns insect form.

PFS StandardLesson of Favors

Legacy Content

Source Dark Archive pg. 159
Lesson Type Greater
You gain the return the favor hex, and your familiar learns mind of menace.

PFS StandardLesson of Mischief

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Greater
You gain the deceiver's cloak hex, and your familiar learns mad monkeys.

PFS StandardLesson of Shadow

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Greater
You gain the malicious shadow hex, and your familiar learns chilling darkness.

PFS StandardLesson of Snow

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Greater
You gain the personal blizzard hex, and your familiar learns wall of wind.

PFS StandardLesson of the Flock

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 62 2.1
Lesson Type Greater
Power flows when many work as one. You gain the sheltering wings hex, and your familiar learns levitate.

PFS StandardLesson of the Shark

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 62 2.1
Lesson Type Greater
Learn the ways of this deadly oceanic predator. You gain the blood in the water hex, and your familiar learns feet to fins.

Major Lessons

You can select from these lessons when a feat or another effect grants you a major lesson.

PFS StandardLesson of Bargains

Legacy Content

Source Dark Archive pg. 159
Lesson Type Major
You gain the over the coals hex, and your familiar learns subconscious suggestion.

PFS StandardLesson of Death

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Major
You gain the curse of death hex, and your familiar learns raise dead.

PFS StandardLesson of Renewal

Legacy Content

Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
Lesson Type Major
You gain the restorative moment hex, and your familiar learns field of life.

PFS StandardLesson of the Frozen Queen

Legacy Content

Source Legends pg. 32
Lesson Type Major
You gain the glacial heart hex, and your familiar learns wall of ice.