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Source Monster Core pg. 65
These sacred feathered serpents tirelessly serve the powers of knowledge and justice. Some operate directly as messengers and intermediaries of the deities, while others operate independently in aiding the cause of righteousness. Either way, they watch over mortals and try to influence and aid them from the shadows, shifting from plane to plane to spread wisdom and healing where they are needed. Some quetz coatls are worshipped as divinities in remote or isolated societies, and while they do not encourage such veneration, they use the trust placed in them to foster peace and cooperation with others.


Quetz Coatl (Creature 10)

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Coatls

The quetz coatl presented here is the most common of its kind, and while most adventurers and scholars refer to them simply as “coatls,” other kinds exist as well, such as the fierce xiuh coatl, the nomadic auwaz coatl, the wise mix coatl, the nurturing chicome coatl, and the furious tletli coatl.