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There is a Legacy version here.

Accolade RobeItem 10+

Arcane Focused Invested 
Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Usage worn garment; Bulk L
Although not all wizards have gone through formal training, it's become tradition to enchant robes representing the arduous training required and festoon them with honors one has earned. Typically, an accolade robe is styled after a single wizard school, with appropriate colors and symbols. Wearing these robes grants a +2 item bonus to Arcana checks.

The pockets of the robe tie to an extradimensional space that can hold 1 Bulk of items, none of which can have greater than light Bulk. The items must be related to spellcasting and academics—spellbooks, scrolls, wands, scholarly journals, and other academic supplies the GM allows. These items do not count against your Bulk limit. You can Interact to retrieve or stow items normally.

Activate—Review [one-action] (concentrate, manipulate); Effect You retrieve an item of your choice from the robe's storage, then Recall Knowledge.

Activate—Extra Credit [free-action] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a school spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it is lost.

Craft Requirements You are a wizard of the associated school.

PFS StandardAccolade RobeItem 10

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 1,000 gp

PFS StandardAccolade Robe (Greater)Item 17

Source GM Core pg. 284 2.0
Price 13,500 gp
The bonus to Arcana checks increases to +3. You can activate the robe’s Review once per minute as a free action.