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PFS StandardOrm ChokerItem 10

Rare Invested Magical 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 106 2.1
Price 950 gp
Usage worn collar; Bulk L
This elaborate choker is fashioned from the treated hide of a water orm. Its interior is lined with the creature’s silky hair. While wearing an orm choker, your form blurs slightly around the edges, granting you a +1 item bonus to saving throws against detection, revelation, and scrying effects.

Activate—Watery Form [three-actions] (concentration, water); Frequency once per day; Effect You dissolve into liquid, appearing only as a stretch of flowing water. While in this form, you gain a swim Speed of 45 feet, you automatically succeed at Athletics checks to Swim, and you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks in water. However, you can’t speak, use any of your other items or abilities, or enter a body of salt water while in this form. You can remain in this form for up to 1 hour, though you can return to your normal form using a single action that has the concentrate trait.

Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include the hide and hair of a water orm.