Alchemist | Animist | Barbarian | Bard | Champion | Cleric | Druid | Exemplar | Fighter | Gunslinger | Inventor | Investigator | Kineticist | Magus | Monk | Oracle | Psychic | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Thaumaturge | Witch | Wizard

Animal Companions | Construct Companions | Eidolons | Familiar Abilities | Specific Familiars | Undead Companions

There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardGreater Crossblooded Evolution Feat 18

Source Player Core 2 pg. 157 1.1
Prerequisites Crossblooded Evolution

Your bloodline is extraordinarily complex. Choose up to three of the sorcerous gift spells granted by your secondary bloodline. You add these spells to your spell repertoire, heightened to the highest rank of spells you can cast or to the highest rank they can be heightened to that is lower than the highest rank of spells you can cast. You cast these spells as the tradition from your primary bloodline.