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There is a Legacy version here.

Eternal EruptionItem 5+

Fire Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Resembling frozen lava, an eternal eruption is made with the same type of time magic, but is built to loop through time, reforming itself after it's used. Determining the difference between the two requires a close examination to see a faint, repeating pattern of red runes.

Activate—Lava Bomb [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Effect You fling the eternal eruption, with the effect of frozen lava of the same item level. After 2d4 hours, the eternal eruption reforms itself in a container on your person, typically the one you most recently stored it in.

PFS StandardEternal Eruption Item 5

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 160 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of BlackpeakItem 7

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 360 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of Pale MountainItem 9

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 700 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of Mhar MassifItem 11

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 1,400 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of Droskar's CragItem 13

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 3,000 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of KaItem 15

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 6,500 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of SakalayoItem 17

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 15,000 gp

PFS StandardEternal Eruption of BarrowsiegeItem 19

Source GM Core pg. 273 2.0
Price 40,000 gp