Item 3+Legacy Content
Uncommon Divine Evocation Source Book of the Dead pg. 18Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk L
This shining symbol of
Sarenrae depicts the goddess with her arms held wide. In the center of the symbol is a crystal reliquary with a perfect feather floating inside, glowing bright as a candle with the light of the goddess.
Activate Cast a Spell;
Frequency once per day for each spell;
Effect The dawnlight casts 1st-level
disrupt undead or
light. The
dawnlight's spell attack roll and
counteract modifier are +7, and any spell with the
light trait is treated as though its counteract level were 1 higher for counteracting
Craft Requirements You have a spellcasting class feature with the
divine tradition.
DawnlightItem 3
Source Book of the Dead pg. 18Price 60 gp
Bulk L
Dawnlight (Greater)Item 7
Source Book of the Dead pg. 18Price 320 gp
Bulk L
Whenever you successfully counteract magical darkness while holding this symbol, the clash of magic unleashes a momentary flash of light. Creatures with
darkvision in the area of the
light spell or targeted by it must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be
dazzled for 1 round. Those with
light blindness are also exposed to
bright light.
Change the list of spells to 3rd-level versions of
disrupt undead,
light, and
searing light. The spell attack roll and counteract modifier are +13.
Dawnlight (Major)Item 11
Source Book of the Dead pg. 18Price 1,300 gp
Bulk L
major dawnlight creates a flash of light like a
greater dawnlight, but the DC is 28. Change the list of spells to 5th-level versions of
disrupt undead and
light, and 4th-level versions of
searing light and
vital beacon. The spell attack roll and counteract modifier are +18.