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Pickled Demon TongueItem 3+

This Item may contain spoilers from the Gatewalkers Adventure Path

Legacy Content

Uncommon Acid Divine Evocation Spellheart 
Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 80
Usage affixed to armor or a weapon; Bulk
This small crystal vial contains the forked end of a demon's tongue, preserved in brine. The spell attack roll of any spell cast by Activating this item is +7, and the spell DC is 17.
  • Armor You gain resistance 2 to acid and attacks by demons.
  • Weapon After you cast an acid spell by Activating the pickled demon tongue, your Strikes with the weapon deal an additional 1d4 acid damage until end of your next turn.

Activate Cast a Spell; Effect You cast acid splash.

PFS LimitedPickled Demon TongueItem 3

Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 80
Price 60 gp

PFS LimitedPickled Demon Tongue (Greater)Item 8

Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 80
Price 460 gp
Resistance when affixed to armor is 5, extra damage when affixed to a weapon is 1d6, the spell attack roll is +14, and the spell DC is 24.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast 3rd-level acidic burst.

PFS LimitedPickled Demon Tongue (Major)Item 12

Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg. 80
Price 1,750 gp
Resistance when affixed to armor is 10, extra damage when affixed to a weapon is 1d8, the spell attack roll is +19, and the spell DC is 29.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast 4th-level acid arrow.

Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast 4th-level acidic burst.