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PFS StandardCorrosive Muck [two-actions] Spell 5

Acid Concentrate Manipulate 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 243 1.1
Traditions arcane, primal
Range 120 feet; Area all squares in two 10-foot bursts
Duration 1 minute
You create two puddles of acidic slime that hinder the movement of anyone who walks through them. The area of each pool becomes greater difficult terrain. Each round that a creature starts its turn in one of the pools or enters a pool during a move action it's using, it takes 8d6 acid damage with a basic Reflex save. A creature that critically fails its saving throw also takes 1d6 persistent acid damage. As normal, if a Large or larger creature starts its turn in both pools, it takes the damage only once.

    Heightened (+2) Create an additional 10-foot burst.