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Xulgath Stoneliege

Stonelieges are xulgaths magically infused with living earth—the very bones of the world. They are created through a process xulgaths call stone-binding, which can be performed with complex alchemy, powerful psychic magic, or Abyssal rituals. Their scales are like stone slabs, and their bones are as dense as bedrock, so they are among the hardiest and longest-lived xulgaths. To stonelieges, earth is as mutable as water, and their innate power to shape the soil and stone beneath their feet makes them integral members of xulgath society (as well as formidable combatants).

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26
Unspecific Lore: DC 24
Specific Lore: DC 21

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Xulgath StoneliegeCreature 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon CE Medium Humanoid Xulgath 
Source Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows pg. 84
Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Draconic, Undercommon
Skills Athletics +17, Cave Lore +13, Geology Lore +13, Intimidation +16, Survival +16
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2
AC 24; Fort +18, Ref +10, Will +12
HP 115; Resistances physical 8
Stench (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature that enters the area must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is sickened 1, and on a critical failure, the creature also takes a –5-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saves to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths’ stenches for 1 minute.
Speed 20 feet, burrow 10 feet
Melee [one-action] digging bar +16 [+11/+6] (fatal d12, forceful, versatile B), Damage 2d10-2+9 piercingMelee [one-action] jaws +19 [+14/+9], Damage 2d8-2+9 piercingMelee [one-action] claw +17 [+13/+9] (agile), Damage 2d6-2+9 slashing plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 24 (-4 dmg); 4th shape stone (x3)
Earthen Blow [one-action] (earth, transmutation) Frequency once per round; Effect The stoneliege commands nearby earth to attack a foe. The stoneliege makes a claw Strike against a creature that is within 60 feet of the stoneliege and 10 feet of an earthen surface, such as dirt, mud, stone, or sand. The Strike originates from the surface’s square and has a reach of 10 feet. On a critical hit, the target is also knocked prone.Earthen Torrent [two-actions] (earth, transmutation) Frequency once per minute; Requirements The stoneliege is standing on or next to at least 10 cubic feet of dirt, stone, or other earthen material; Effect The stoneliege creates a violent wave of roiling earth. Creatures in a 15-foot cone take 7d8 bludgeoning damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save; on a critical failure, creatures are also knocked prone).Stone Throes [one-action] (earth, transmutation) The stoneliege turns their own body into solid stone like a statue and immediately becomes petrified. Any creature grappled or restrained by the stoneliege becomes immobilized; to get free, the creature must damage the statue enough to break it or succeed at a DC 26 Acrobatics check to Escape.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Role within the Clutch

A stoneliege’s power reinforces common xulgath values of dominance and control. This makes stone-binding a mark of prestige, given to the strongest or most clever members of a clutch. The former relish in the destructive potential of their newfound power, while the latter use their abilities to build structures or shape their clutch’s home cavern.

All Monsters in "Xulgath"

Xulgath Bilebearer2
Xulgath Deepmouth12
Xulgath Gutrager10
Xulgath Leader3
Xulgath Ravening4
Xulgath Skulker2
Xulgath Spinesnapper5
Xulgath Stoneliege8
Xulgath Thoughtmaw15
Xulgath Warrior1


Source Bestiary pg. 336
Reptilian humanoids who live in the uppermost reaches of the Darklands, xulgaths (known as troglodytes to many surface-dwelling folk) often attack intruders in their territory on sight. They live in simple familial communities, battling rival groups and other aggressive Darklands inhabitants in order to survive. They occasionally raid surface settlements, usually at the behest of cruel, bloodthirsty leaders who are often themselves in the thrall of more powerful creatures like nagas or demons. A typical xulgath has dull gray, dark gray, or ashen scales, with a long tail and bony protrusions that run the length of its spine. A typical xulgath is 5 feet tall and weighs 150 pounds.

Although today the xulgaths are brutal and scattered, they were one of the first intelligent humanoids to rise in the primeval world, once ruling over a mighty empire that stretched throughout the Darklands. Today, all that remains of this era are ruins of massive stone ziggurats and crumbling cities found within some of the larger caverns. Some groups of xulgaths continue to live among these ruins, venerating their ancestors’ accomplishments, while others consider these areas taboo and leave them to become infested with Darklands vermin. Sages don’t agree on why the ancient xulgath civilization fell. Some suspect it was the result of a loss of several wars waged against serpentfolk, while others suggest that the corruptive influence of demon worship rotted their culture from within.

Certainly, many xulgath settlements continue to worship demons to this day, paying homage and offering live sacrifices to terrible creatures from the Abyss. Occasionally, a xulgath shaman can call forth and bind a lesser demon to help serve the group, but a shaman who delves too deep into occultism might summon a more powerful fiend that either tears the xulgaths to pieces or enslaves them.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Other Xulgath Religions

Zevgavizeb is the most popular deity among xulgaths—particularly in the largest and most successful clutches—but other demon lords and deities are worshipped as well. Among Golarion's major gods, Pharasma, Rovagug, and even Erastil are known to answer the prayers of xulgath devotees.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Xulgath Society

Xulgaths respect strength, and the leader of a community is usually the strongest of all of them. The leader’s dominance is rarely questioned until a potentially stronger xulgath believes it’s time for a change in rulership. The two xulgaths then face off in a fight to the death, with the victor claiming rule.

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Xulgath Treasure

Xulgaths are relatively primitive, using tools and weapons of stone and other materials scavenged from the surface. These can replicate most simple and a few martial melee weapons, as well as simple thrown ranged weapons. An advanced tribe of xulgaths might be able to craft low-level magical talismans, such as a potency crystal or a returning clasp.