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There is a Legacy version here.

Maestro's InstrumentItem 3+

Source GM Core pg. 275 2.0
Usage held in 2 hand; Bulk 1
A maestro's instrument can be crafted in the form of any variety of handheld musical instruments. A maestro's instrument grants you a +1 item bonus to Performance checks while playing music with the instrument.

Activate—Charming Performance [two-actions] (manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect You play the instrument, causing it to cast a DC 17 charm spell.

PFS StandardMaestro's Instrument (Lesser)Item 3

Source GM Core pg. 275 2.0
Price 60 gp

PFS StandardMaestro's Instrument (Moderate)Item 10

Source GM Core pg. 275 2.0
Price 900 gp
The item bonus is +2, and the charm spell is 4th rank (DC 27).

PFS StandardMaestro's Instrument (Greater)Item 18

Source GM Core pg. 275 2.0
Price 19,000 gp
The item bonus is +3, and the charm spell is 8th rank (DC 38).