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There is a Legacy version here.

Planar Scion

Source Monster Core pg. 266
Many immortals dwell upon the other planes of the Great Beyond. Some are benevolent and kind, like angels. Others are cruel and destructive, like demons. And some fit roles outside of morality, like psychopomps. It's far from unheard of for mortals and immortals alike to become entangled romantically, and the children of such engagements carry a supernatural element in their bloodlines for generations to follow. After the first generation, this otherworldly influence usually lies dormant, but now and then, the influence can manifest strongly in descendants many years later. These inheritors of extraplanar legacies are known collectively as planar scions.


Aasimar Redeemer (Creature 5), Aphorite Sharpshooter (Creature 4), Duskwalker Ghost Hunter (Creature 4), Ganzi Martial Artist (Creature 3), Lawbringer Warpriest (Creature 5), Pitborn Adept (Creature 3), Tiefling Adept (Creature 3)

