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PFS StandardLiar's BoardItem 5

Legacy Content

Source Highhelm pg. 59
Price 90 gp
Hands 2; Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
This clockwork game board contains 6 hidden compartments that can be opened by moving the game pieces in specific, preset patterns. Each chamber has a unique combination, and only one chamber can be opened at a time. Once a chamber is opened, a new combination can be set as a 1-minute activity. You can identify a Liar's Board as a clockwork device with a successful DC 25 Perception check, and you can find an individual hidden compartment with a successful DC 30 Perception check. The GM rolls a d6 to determine which chamber is discovered, rolling again if the result is one you're already aware of. You can force open a compartment you've identified with a successful DC 30 Thievery check, but tampering will be obvious unless you critically succeed at the check. If you spend at least 1 hour examining the game board, you can instead attempt to deduce the correct combination to open a compartment with a successful DC 30 Society or Games Lore check.