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There is a Legacy version here.

Bands of ForceItem 8+

Force Invested Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Usage worn armbands; Bulk L
Decorated with clear gemstones, these thick metal bands spread an inflexible layer of force over your body. The force grants you a +1 item bonus to AC and saving throws, and a maximum Dexterity modifier of +5 as armor. You can affix talismans to the bands as though they were light armor.

Activate—Return Force [reaction] (force, manipulate); Trigger A creature critically misses you with a melee Strike.; Effect You Shove the creature using the bands' Athletics modifier of +14.

PFS StandardBands of ForceItem 8

Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Price 500 gp

PFS StandardBands of Force (Greater)Item 14

Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Price 4,500 gp
The item bonus to AC and saves is +2. The bands' Athletics modifier is +21.

PFS StandardBands of Force (Major)Item 20

Source GM Core pg. 286 2.0
Price 70,000 gp
The item bonus to AC and saves is +3. The bands' Athletics modifier is +33.