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There is a Legacy version here.

Demonic PactRitual 1

Source Monster Core pg. 364 1.1
Cast 1 day
Primary Check Religion (expert; you must be a demon)
You call in a favor from one demon of level 2 or lower, two demons of level 0 or lower, or three demons of level –1 or lower.

Critical Success You conjure the demon or demons. They are eager to pursue the task, so they don't ask for a favor.
Success You conjure the demon or demons. They are not eager to pursue the task, so they require a favor in return.
Failure You don't conjure any demons.
Critical Failure The demon or demons are angry that you disturbed them. They appear before you, but they immediately attack you.
Heightened (+1) Increase the level of demon you call by 2 for each option.