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Impact Foam ChassisItem 1+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Gadget 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 70 2.0
Usage worn over armor and clothes; Bulk L
Access Due to the use of technology, all gadgets are uncommon or rare, though inventors and regions with access to inventors have access to uncommon gadgets.
Activate see below
While you're wearing an impact foam chassis wrapped around your body, it Activates automatically whenever you fall at least 10 feet, causing a layer of soft, flexible impact foam to expand beneath and around you to cushion the fall. The impact foam decreases the falling damage by up to the listed amount, taking damage equal to the amount of falling damage the foam reduced. If this is enough to destroy the foam, it disperses immediately. However, if the foam has any Hit Points remaining, it remains surrounding you for up to 1 minute. While you're surrounded in foam, you are immobilized and have standard cover against other creatures, and other creatures have standard cover against you. The foam has an Escape DC of 15; a creature can also remove it by spending three Interact actions. You or others can also attack the foam (the foam has an AC of 12), which disperses if reduced to 0 Hit Points.

PFS StandardImpact Foam Chassis (Lesser)Item 1

Source Guns & Gears pg. 70 2.0
Price 3 gp
Bulk L
A lesser impact foam chassis prevents up to 20 falling damage and has 20 Hit Points.

PFS StandardImpact Foam Chassis (Moderate)Item 4

Source Guns & Gears pg. 70 2.0
Price 15 gp
Bulk L
A moderate impact foam chassis prevents up to 50 falling damage and has 40 Hit Points.

PFS StandardImpact Foam Chassis (Greater)Item 9

Source Guns & Gears pg. 70 2.0
Price 150 gp
Bulk L
A greater impact foam chassis prevents up to 100 falling damage and has 100 Hit Points.

PFS StandardImpact Foam Chassis (Major)Item 14

Source Guns & Gears pg. 70 2.0
Price 650 gp
Bulk L
A major impact foam chassis prevents up to 200 falling damage and has 200 Hit Points.