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PFS StandardAnimal BlindItem 0+

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 112 2.1
Hands 2; Bulk
Simple blinds consist of a series of poles with a cloth to cover them. The cloth covering is styled to represent the natural surroundings such as green and brown leaf and wood patterns for forests, or gray rocks for underground environments. This cloth is either sheer enough to be seen through on one side, or sometimes has small slits cut in it, allowing someone behind it to see what is going on outside while remaining hidden. While not the most convincing camouflage, it's good enough to fool many animals and creatures with lower intelligence.

Animal blinds take 1 minute to set up. Up to two Medium creatures or one Large creature may use the blinds at the same time. You can Take Cover behind the blind to gain standard cover. If the environment matches the terrain depicted on the blind, your circumstance bonus on Stealth checks to Hide increases to +4.

PFS StandardAnimal BlindItem 0

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 112 2.1
Price 5 gp
Hands 2;Bulk 2

PFS StandardPortable Animal BlindItem 2

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 112 2.1
Price 20 gp
Hands 1;Bulk 1
Portable animal blinds were originally used for hunting fowl, but resourceful adventurers quickly realized the many possible applications for them. Portable blinds are made of a wooden frame with camouflage material stretched over them, resembling a large kite. A hole in the center allows for a one‑handed ranged weapon to be fired without obstruction. A single person can use the Take Cover action while carrying a portable blind. When you do so, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to Hide instead of the normal benefits of standard cover.