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Sarvel Ever-Hunger

The fiendish xulgath priest of Zevgavizeb known as the Apocalypse Prophet is an ambitious, hateful monster fixated solely on bringing death and destruction to the reviled surface-dwellers upon the Isle of Kortos.

In a squalid colony nestled deep in the Darklands realm of Nar-Voth, the xulgath Sarvel hatched, first of his clutch to break free from the shell. Sarvel was also the last of that clutch to do so, for upon breaking free of his calcified prison, he promptly crushed the other eggs and devoured their contents in a fit of ravenous fratricide. This gluttonous rampage served him well, for the sustenance helped him grow swiftly among kin who recognized only strength and might. As he grew older, he gorged himself upon fallen foes and allies he found too weak to provide any other benefit. Sarvel became known as a leader to be feared and followed.

Though it hadn't been Sarvel's intention to draw the attention of his clutch's priests, they recognized in Sarvel the gifts of their vile god Zevgavizeb. In an ill-conceived effort to bring forth those gifts, they beseeched their patron to bestow further blessings upon him. The demon who responded feasted upon the startled priests, but Sarvel conquered the demon and consumed it in turn.

This meal profoundly changed Sarvel. Perhaps it was the Abyssal power of the demon, the divine energy carried within the priests' bodies, or a combination of the two. Fiendish power surged within him, and he was seized with a desperate hunger beyond any he had ever known. Sarvel emerged from the priests' sanctum bearing the blessings of Zevgavizeb in the form of writhing tentacles emerging from his back, and he commanded the demon lord's own power through his spells. Few dared oppose him when he declared himself high priest and took the name Ever-Hunger, and those who did became his next screaming meals.

For years, Sarvel led his clutch to many conquests in the Darklands, but these victories were never enough. From his communion with Zevgavizeb, he learned that a sacred vault called Vask once existed as a haven for his people. With help from one of his xulgath allies—the thoughtmaw Kirosthrek—he painstakingly reconstructed records of scattered xulgaths from millennia ago, learning of Aroden's theft in the process. A kinder or more reasonable xulgath might have tried to steal the orbs back, or even negotiate for their return, but Sarvel is neither kind nor reasonable. He instead embarked on a mission to destroy what Aroden had wrought and crush those surface-dwellers who dared benefit from the slight to his people. A conquest of deific scale must surely sate his hunger; if not, he shall feast upon the bodies left in its wake.

Campaign Role

Sarvel Ever-Hunger is the final foe of the Extinction Curse Adventure Path. His machinations threaten the stability of the Starstone Isles. He knows that the heroes are the ones who have foiled each of the champions he placed at the aeon towers, and he harbors a grudge as enormous as his hunger. Sarvel holds no compassion—only hatred and a vicious thirst for destruction fueled by fiendish spite. Granted some degree of power over the aeon orbs by the extinction curse ritual, he is difficult to defeat, and he holds no reservations about slaying the heroes and feasting upon their flesh.

Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 54
Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 54
Unspecific Lore: DC 52
Specific Lore: DC 49

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Sarvel Ever-HungerCreature 21

Legacy Content

Unique CE Large Fiend Humanoid Xulgath 
Source Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 90
Male xulgath prophet
Perception +37; darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Skills Arcana +36, Athletics +39, Intimidation +38, Religion +40, Survival +38, Zevgavizeb Lore +38
Str +9, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +4
Items +2 greater resilient full plate, +3 major striking unholy spiked gauntlet, +3 major striking handwraps of mighty blows
AC 46; Fort +35, Ref +32, Will +34
HP 400; Weaknesses cold iron 15, good 15
Echoes of Aeons At the start of Sarvel's turn, if he is dead, unconscious, or otherwise unable to act, his efforts in the unfinished extinction curse ritual pull on the power of an aeon orb. The surge of power heals his body completely without causing the wounded condition, causes him to grow an additional tentacle, and attempts to counteract all detrimental effects on Sarvel as a 10th-level effect with a +42 counteract modifier. An aeon orb used by Sarvel or the heroes is depleted and can't be used to power this ability.Enraging Stench (aura, emotion, mental, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature that enters or begins their turn in the emanation must attempt a DC 43 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is sickened 2 and confused for 1 round; on a critical failure, it can't target Sarvel with any Strikes or other effects from its confused condition. While within the emanation, the creature takes a –2 penalty to saves to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all xulgaths' stenches for 1 minute. Sarvel can suppress or resume this aura as a free action.Touch of Zevgavizeb Sarvel begins combat with two tentacles. Each tentacle has 66 HP and is immune to area damage. A creature can attempt to sever one of Sarvel's tentacles by specifically targeting it and dealing damage equal to the tentacle's Hit Points. A tentacle not completely severed returns to full HP at the end of any creature's turn. For each tentacle he has, Sarvel gains an extra reaction at the start of his turn that can be used only for an Attack of Opportunity. If he has no tentacles, he can no longer make tentacle Strikes, Writhe Independently, or Constrict.Attack of Opportunity [reaction] tentacle only
Speed 30 feet; air walk, freedom of movement
Melee [one-action] spiked gauntlet +39 [+35/+31] (agile, magical), Damage 4d8-2+19 piercing plus 1d6 evilMelee [one-action] tentacle +39 [+35/+31] (agile, magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8-2+19 slashing plus GrabMelee [one-action] jaws +39 [+34/+29] (magical), Damage 4d12-2+19 piercingDivine Prepared Spells DC 43, attack +35 (-4 dmg); 10th harm (×5), miracle, weapon of judgment; 9th blade barrier, devour life, wail of the banshee; 8th eclipse burst, finger of death (×2); 7th paralyze, resist energy (×2); 6th divine wrath, flame strike, restore senses; 5th abyssal plague, prying eye, see invisibility; Cantrips (10th) divine lance, message, read aura, shield; Constant (4th) air walk, freedom of movement
Rituals DC 43 (-4 dmg); 6th commune; 4th atone; 1st abyssal pact
Constrict [one-action] 4d8+12 bludgeoning, DC 43Writhe Independently [one-action] Frequency once per round; Effect Sarvel makes one tentacle Strike with each tentacle he currently has (to a maximum of six Strikes), but he can't target a single creature with more than one Strike. Each attack counts toward his multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until all the attacks have been made.