There is a Legacy version

Ritual 2Uncommon Consecration Source Player Core pg. 392 2.0Cast 3 days;
Cost rare incense and offerings worth a total value of 20 gp × the spell rank;
Secondary Casters 2, must be worshippers of your religion
Primary Check Religion;
Secondary Checks Crafting,
PerformanceArea 40-foot-radius burst around an immobile altar, shrine, or fixture of your deity;
Range 40 feet
Duration 1 year
You consecrate a site to your deity, chanting praises and creating a sacred space. While within the area, worshippers of your deity gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and Perception checks, and creatures anathema to your deity (such as
undead for
Pharasma or
Sarenrae) take a –1 status penalty to those rolls. If your deity's divine sanctification allows you to choose
holy or
unholy, you can choose to make the consecrated site holy or unholy as well. If the deity's sanctification must be holy or unholy, you must make the site match that sanctification. Strikes made by worshippers of your deity within the area gain the site's sanctification trait, if any.
Critical Success The consecration succeeds, and it either lasts for 10 years instead of 1 or covers an area with twice the radius. Occasionally, with your deity's favor, this might produce an even more amazing effect, such as a permanently consecrated area or the effect covering an entire cathedral.
Success The consecration succeeds.
Failure The consecration fails.
Critical Failure The consecration fails spectacularly and angers your deity, who sends a sign of displeasure. For at least 1 year, further attempts to consecrate the site fail.
Heightened (7th) The consecrated area also gains the effects of the
planar seal spell, but the effect doesn't attempt to counteract teleportation by worshippers of your deity. The cost increases to 200 gp × the spell level.