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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardChannel Smite [two-actions] Feat 4

Cleric Divine 
Source Player Core pg. 116 2.0
Cost Expend a harm or heal spell

You siphon the energies of life and death through a melee attack and into your foe. Make a melee Strike. On a hit, you cast the 1-action version of the expended spell to damage the target, in addition to the normal damage from your Strike. The target automatically gets a failure on its save (or a critical failure if your Strike was a critical hit). The spell doesn’t have the manipulate trait when cast this way.

The spell is expended with no effect if your Strike fails or hits a creature that isn’t damaged by that energy type (such as if you hit a non-undead creature with a heal spell).

Channel Smite Leads To...

Rebounding Smite



This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.

A creature with this trait is primarily constituted of or has a strong connection to divine magic.