Force Fang
[one-action] Focus 1Legacy Content
Uncommon Evocation Force Magus Source Secrets of Magic pg. 143 2.0Cast [one-action] somaticRange varies;
Targets 1 creature
You briefly turn your attack into pure force to bypass your opponent's defenses. Choose a target within your reach, or within the reach of a melee weapon you're wielding. If you can use
Spellstrike with a ranged weapon (with the
starlit span hybrid study, for example), you can target a creature in the first range increment of your ranged weapon. For an instant, you transform your weapon or unarmed attack into a spike of pure force, replacing all its normal statistics and abilities. The
force fang automatically deals 1d4+1 force damage to the target.
Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4+1.