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There is a Legacy version here.

Frozen LavaItem 5+

Consumable Fire Magical 
Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
This blueberry-sized bead appears to be a sphere of glass with a flickering light at its core. In truth, the “glass” is a bubble of solidified time magic, containing suspended lava at the exact point before a volcanic eruption. When activated, it becomes a tiny beacon of bright light before unleashing its power. After you Activate frozen lava, it quickly heats up. If you or anyone else hurls it (an Interact action), it detonates as a fireball where it lands. Your toss can place the center of the fireball anywhere within 70 feet, though at the GM's discretion, you might need to make an attack roll if the throw is unusually challenging. If no one hurls the bead by the start of your next turn, it pops like an ostentatious but harmless firework.
Frozen lava comes in many varieties, made of lava taken from notable volcanoes on Golarion and across the planes.

PFS StandardFrozen LavaItem 5

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 30 gp
5d6 damage (DC 21)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of BlackpeakItem 7

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 70 gp
7d6 damage (DC 25)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of Pale MountainItem 9

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 150 gp
9d6 damage (DC 27)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of Mhar MassifItem 11

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 300 gp
11d6 damage (DC 30)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of Droskar's CragItem 13

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 600 gp
13d6 damage (DC 32)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of KaItem 15

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 1,300 gp
15d6 damage (DC 36)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of SakalayoItem 17

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 3,000 gp
17d6 damage (DC 39)

PFS StandardFrozen Lava of BarrowsiegeItem 19

Source GM Core pg. 268 2.0
Price 8,000 gp
19d6 damage (DC 43)