Foraging Friends
Spell 1Concentrate Manipulate Source Howl of the Wild pg. 85 2.1Traditions primalCast 10 minutes
Duration 10 minutes
Giving a cheerful whistle, you call forth a handful of small animals, such as birds or mice, to collect food for you and your allies. The animals return 1 hour later with enough foraged goods to feed four Medium creatures for 1 day, then return to their normal behavior. If you’re in a particularly strange environment, as determined by your GM, you might need a minimum proficiency with primal spell DCs, equivalent to the minimum proficiency required to
Subsist in strange environments.
Heightened (3rd) The animals bring back enough food for eight Medium creatures for 1 day.
Heightened (5th) The animals bring back enough food for 30 Medium creatures for 1 day.