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CryomisterItem 1+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Cold Consumable Gadget 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Access Due to the use of technology, all gadgets are uncommon or rare, though inventors and regions with access to inventors have access to uncommon gadgets.
Activate [one-action] Interact
When you Activate a cryomister, you can either place it in an adjacent square or toss it up to 20 feet away. Once you've done so, the metallic device instantly disperses a heavy mist, settling quickly on nearby flat surfaces and forming a sheet of ice. The cryomister creates a burst with a radius depending on the type, making the affected area difficult terrain for 1 minute; at the GM's discretion, however, this duration might be reduced in unusually hot conditions or increased in unusually cold ones. If an affected square takes fire damage, the difficult terrain is removed. Though not designed as a weapon, the cryomister's rapidly cooling mist deals cold splash damage depending on the type to creatures in the area on activation. Creatures attempting to move through the affected area can attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC depending on the type to ignore the difficult terrain and move at their normal Speed. Throwing the cryomister onto the surface of a liquid creates a floating piece of ice for the same duration, capable of supporting one or more creatures of the listed size.

PFS StandardCryomister (Lesser)Item 1

Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Price 3 gp
Bulk L
The area is a 5-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 17, and the cold splash damage is 1. The floating ice can support one creature up to Medium size.

PFS StandardCryomister (Moderate)Item 5

Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Price 25 gp
Bulk L
The area is a 10-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 21, and the cold splash damage is 3. The floating ice can support one Large creature or two Medium or smaller creatures.

PFS StandardCryomister (Greater)Item 11

Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Price 250 gp
Bulk L
The area is a 15-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 30, and the cold splash damage is 5. The floating ice can support one Huge creature, two Large creatures, or four Medium or smaller creatures.

PFS StandardCryomister (Major)Item 17

Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Price 2,500 gp
Bulk L
The area is a 20-foot burst, the Acrobatics DC is 39, and the cold splash damage is 8. The floating ice can support one Gargantuan creature, two Huge creatures, four Large creatures, or eight Medium or smaller creatures. The ice can't support Gargantuan creatures larger than a 20-by-20-foot space, such as a mu spore.