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PFS StandardPoison RingItem 1

Legacy Content

Source Firebrands pg. 82 2.0
Price 10 gp
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this item.
This ring contains a compartment beneath the bezel intended to hold a small amount of poison. You can determine the ring's true purpose with a successful DC 20 Perception check. Noticing the compartment while the ring is being worn is more difficult and typically requires a successful Perception check against the Stealth DC of the person wearing the ring. You place poison within the ring using the same method for applying poison to a weapon. You can release the ring's poison or consume it using an Interact action if you have a free hand. The ring's compartment is large enough to hold an effective amount of most poisons, but it's too small to hold a significant amount of other liquids, including potions and magical oils.