Alchemist | Animist | Barbarian | Bard | Champion | Cleric | Druid | Exemplar | Fighter | Gunslinger | Inventor | Investigator | Kineticist | Magus | Monk | Oracle | Psychic | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Thaumaturge | Witch | Wizard

Animal Companions | Construct Companions | Eidolons | Familiar Abilities | Specific Familiars | Undead Companions

There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardRites of Transfiguration Feat 14

Source Player Core pg. 190 2.0

You can adapt your patron’s power to transform other creatures into forms more befitting their behavior or your whims. Your familiar learns cursed metamorphosis, even if cursed metamorphosis isn’t on your tradition’s spell list. By spending 10 minutes in communion with your familiar, you can replace one spell of 6th-rank or higher you’ve prepared in one of your witch spell slots with a cursed metamorphosis spell of the same rank.