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PFS StandardFulmination FangItem 4

Uncommon Magical 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 104 2.1
Price 115 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 2
Base Weapon Gun Sword
The stock and barrel of this +1 striking gun sword are lined with scales from a storm snake. Their insulating properties grant their wielder some protection against electricity.

Activate—Lightning Rod [reaction] Trigger You take electricity damage; Effect You gain resistance 5 to the triggering damage, and the fulmination fang crackles with the absorbed energy. You can Interact to change between the gun sword’s current usage (melee to ranged, or ranged to melee). The next melee Strike you make with the fulmination fang within the next minute deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage. After a minute, the absorbed energy dissipates.

Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include the scales of a storm snake.