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Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 40
Unspecific Lore: DC 38
Specific Lore: DC 35

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak TiluatchekCreature 11

Legacy Content

Unique CE Small Aberration 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 144
Genderfluid intellect devourer transmuter
Perception +17; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon; telepathy 30 feet
Skills Athletics +15, Crafting +19, Deception +20 ((+22 with liar's lexicon)), Diplomacy +18, Occultism +19, Society +19, Stealth +18
Str +3, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +7, Wis +5, Cha +6
AC 30; Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +21
HP 201
Speed 35 feet
Melee [one-action] talon +22 [+18/+14] (agile, finesse), Damage 3d10-2+6 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 27 (-4 dmg); 4th confusion, globe of invulnerability; 3rd soothe (×3); 2nd gentle repose, invisibility (at will; self only), paranoia (at will); Cantrips (6th) daze, detect magic, read aura
Arcane Prepared Spells DC 27, attack +19 (-4 dmg); 6th baleful polymorph, dispel magic, flesh to stone; 5th dimension door, sending, wall of stone; 4th dimension door, phantasmal killer, suggestion; 3rd haste, locate, slow; 2nd hideous laughter, humanoid form, misdirection; 1st charm, fear, unseen servant; Cantrips (6th) daze, mage hand, message, shield, telekinetic projectile
Body Thief [three-actions] (manipulate, necromancy, occult, possession) The intellect devourer reduces in size and burrows into the brain of a creature dead for no longer than 1 day. At the start of the intellect devourer's next turn, the body revives at its maximum Hit Points, controlled by the devourer. The intellect devourer is conscious and can sense everything the possessed body could. Any effect that ends the possession kills the host body with the same effects as Exit Body. The intellect devourer can't use any of the host creature's spells with Body Thief but can use its own spells. The host body slowly decays while inhabited by the intellect devourer, becoming uninhabitable after 7 days unless preserved with gentle repose or a similar effect.Exit Body [one-action] (move) Requirements The intellect devourer is controlling a body with Body Thief; Effect The intellect devourer leaves its host body, which dies instantly and is no longer a suitable host for any Body Thief ability. The intellect devourer appears at full size in an adjacent space.Nightmare Curse [two-actions] (curse, illusion, incapacitation, mental, occult) Frequency once per day; Effect Tiluatchek reaches out with his mind to infect the dreams of a single creature within 60 feet that he can see. The target suddenly experiences a brief but overwhelming memory of a harrowing nightmare it had at some point in the past and must attempt a DC 30 Will save. The effects of this curse are permanent until the target is cured (although any frightened condition values imparted by the curse pass and end normally).
Critical Success The target is unaffected, and the nightmare vision passes as swiftly as it appears.
Success The vision causes the target to become frightened 1. The target also becomes cursed. Every time it attempts to sleep, it's plagued by nightmares of being stalked through an endless maze of caverns by something that wants to steal its body and eat its brain. The cursed creature now requires 10 hours of rest (rather than 8) in order to be able to make its daily preparations and can't take the Long-Term Rest activity at all.
Failure As success, but frightened 2, and each time the target sleeps, it suffers the effects of a nightmare spell (DC 32 Will save).
Critical Failure As failure, but frightened 3 and fleeing for as long as it remains frightened. If the cursed target ever rolls a critical failure against a nightmare spell while it remains cursed (including those caused by the curse itself), it dies in its sleep. If at the time of this death Tiluatchek is also dead (but for no more than 1 year), the intellect devourer is restored to life inside of the target creature's body as if he'd used Body Thief to take the body over.
Ravage [three-actions] The intellect devourer makes two talon Strikes against a paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious creature, using the same attack modifier as its highest attack modifier. These Strikes gain the death trait. If Ravage kills the target, the intellect devourer may use Body Thief against it as a free action.Stolen Identity While an intellect devourer uses Body Thief, it gains the ability to understand and speak all languages known by the host, as well as knowledge of the host body's abilities, identity, role in society, and personality. However, it does not gain the specific memories or knowledge of the host body.