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PFS StandardVampire Squid

Vampire squid are neither undead nor blood drinkers. Their name is instead inspired by their red eyes and the dark, cloak-like webbing between their arms. Living in the lightless depths of the ocean, the vampire squid can eject a cloud of bioluminescent mucus that nauseates predators.

Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14
Unspecific Lore: DC 12
Specific Lore: DC 9

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Vampire SquidCreature -1

Legacy Content

N Small Animal Aquatic 
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 254 2.0
Perception +5; darkvision
Skills Athletics +2, Stealth +5
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +3, Cha -2
AC 14; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4
HP 15; Resistances cold 5
Speed swim 25 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +5 [+0/-5] (finesse), Damage 1d8-2 piercingMelee [one-action] tentacles +5 [+1/-3] (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6-2 bludgeoningGlowing Mucus [one-action] Frequency once per day; Requirements The vampire squid is in water; Effect The vampire squid ejects a cloud of bioluminescent mucus in a 15-foot cone. Non-squid creatures within the cloud must attempt a DC 14 Fortitude save or become sickened 1. The glowing mucus remains in the area for 1 minute, and any creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed at a DC 11 Fortitude save or become sickened 1.

All Monsters in "Squid"

Giant Squid9
Vampire Squid0


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 254 2.0
The unusual shape of these swift, voracious predators has prompted many a nautical tale.