Ignite Fireworks
[two-actions] Spell 2Legacy Content
Evocation Fire Sonic Source Secrets of Magic pg. 110 1.1Traditions arcane,
primalCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalRange 60 feet;
Area 10-foot burst
Saving Throw Reflex
A brilliant and clamorous display of sparks and colorful fireworks explode around your enemies, dealing 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 sonic damage to creatures within a 10-foot burst. All creatures in the area must attempt a Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage and is
dazzled for 1 round.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for 3 rounds.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, takes 1d4
persistent fire damage, and is dazzled for 1 minute.
Heightened (+2) The initial fire damage increases by 1d8, the sonic damage increases by 1d8, and the persistent fire damage a creature takes on a critical failure increases by 1d4.