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There is a Remastered version here.


Source Bestiary 2 pg. 121 2.0
Frogs that are poisonous or grow to monstrous size can be a menace to adventurers.


Concert Frog (Creature 8), Giant Frog (Creature 1), Spear Frog (Creature 0), Sporeback Frog (Creature 5)

Sidebar - Related Creatures Frog Species

While all frogs are amphibious, some frogs spend more of their time out of the water. Even those usually found near lakes and streams are adapted for climbing. You can add variety to frog encounters by replacing a frog's swim Speed with a climb Speed (or even allowing it to have both). Likewise, for frogs that are poisonous or venomous, the specific effects of their toxin can vary by species, with exposure to some frog poison causing a creature to become clumsy or stupefied instead of enfeebled.