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PFS StandardVindicator's Mark [two-actions] Focus 1

Uncommon Manipulate Sanctified 
Source War of Immortals pg. 65
Range 60 feet; Targets your hunted prey
Saving Throw AC; Duration 1 minute
You launch a magical dart at your hunted prey, which marks them with a nimbus only you can detect. Make a spell attack against the target. On a hit, you deal 2d4 spirit damage and the target is marked by a glowing nimbus of energy that only you can see. For the duration of your spell, the marked target takes an additional +2 damage from all your weapon or unarmed attacks. Invisible targets marked by your vindicator's mark are concealed to you, rather than undetected.

You can Dismiss the spell on your turn if your last action dealt damage to the target with a weapon or unarmed attack, instantly dealing an additional 2d6 spirit damage to it.

    Heightened (+2) The initial damage increases by 2d4, the additional damage you deal increases by 1, and the damage dealt when the spell is Dismissed increases by 1d6.