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PFS StandardHydra MutagenItem 13

Alchemical Consumable Mutagen Polymorph 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 110 2.1
Price 600 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
You sprout a second head, increasing your awareness, intuition, and cognitive ability but also causing your physical capabilities to be impaired as both minds struggle to control a single body.

Benefit For 10 minutes, you gain all-around vision and a +3 item bonus to all Intelligence- and Wisdom-based skill checks. Once during the mutagen's effect, if you fail or critically fail a Will saving throw against a mental effect, you can treat the result as one degree of success better.

Drawback You are clumsy 1 for 10 minutes.