Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Lizardfolk Details | Lizardfolk Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Lizardfolk Heritages

There are Legacy versions here, here, and here.

PFS StandardIruxi Armaments Feat 1

Source Player Core 2 pg. 26 1.1

Your weapons are those you were born with. Choose one of the following options:
  • Claws Your claw attack deals 1d6 slashing damage instead of 1d4 and gains the versatile P trait.
  • Fangs You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage and is in the brawling group.
  • Tail You gain a tail unarmed attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, is in the brawling group, and has the sweep trait.
At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of the unarmed attacks you have gained or improved with this feat, you get its critical specialization effect.

Special You can take this feat multiple times, choosing a different unarmed attack option each time.

Iruxi Armaments Leads To...

Envenom Fangs, Hone Claws, Shed Tail



A creature with this trait is a member of the lizardfolk ancestry, a family of reptilian humanoids. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by lizardfolk.