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Deployable CoverItem 1+

Legacy Content

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
Hands 2; Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
This thick mat of canvas, foliage, and wood is mounted on a tripod of flexible metal struts, folded into a baton- like shape, and clamped shut. You can rapidly deploy it on the ground with an Interact action to create cover. Deployable cover is large enough to Take Cover behind, allowing you (and others) to gain standard cover when you use the Take Cover action. Before it can be used again, deployable cover must be carefully folded and clamped shut, which takes 1 minute.

PFS StandardDeployable CoverItem 1

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
Price 15 gp
Bulk 1

PFS StandardDeployable Cover (Ballistic Cover)Item 2

Source Guns & Gears pg. 64 2.0
Price 35 gp
Bulk 1
Specially crafted to protect against bullet fire, a ballistic cover also works against other physical projectiles, such as arrows, bolts, and thrown weapons. While a creature has cover from Taking Cover behind a ballistic cover, it gains resistance 2 to piercing damage from ranged weapons and ranged unarmed attacks.