All Equipment | All Item Bonuses
Adjustments | Adventuring Gear | Alchemical Items | Animals and Gear | Apex Items | Armor | Artifacts | Assistive Items | Basic Magic Weapons | Blighted Boons | Censer | Consumables | Contracts | Cursed Items | Customizations | Figurehead | Grafts | Grimoires | Held Items | High-Tech | Intelligent Items | Materials | Other | Relics | Runes | Services | Shields | Siege Weapons | Snares | Spellhearts | Staves | Structures | Tattoos | Trade Goods | Vehicles | Wands | Weapons | Worn Items

Animals | Fixer | Hirelings | Researcher | Secret Society Membership Services | Spellcasting | Transportation


Source Core Rulebook pg. 294 4.0
Spellcasting services, listed on Table 6–15, are uncommon. Having a spell cast for you requires finding a spellcaster who knows and is willing to cast it. It's hard to find someone who can cast higher-level spells, and uncommon spells typically cost at least 100% more, if you can find someone who knows them at all. Spells that take a long time to cast (over 1 minute) usually cost 25% more. You must pay any cost listed in the spell in addition to the Price on the table.

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