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Chapter 5: Treasure Trove

Momentary Magic

Source GM Core pg. 255 2.0
This section includes consumable magic items. An item with the consumable trait can be used only once; unless stated otherwise, it’s destroyed after activation. When a character creates consumable items, they can make them in batches of four, as described in the Craft activity.


Source GM Core pg. 255 2.0
These magic items are ammunition for ranged weapons. Each item's stat block includes an Ammunition entry that lists which type of ammunition it can be Crafted as, or “any” if it's not limited to any particular type. All stat blocks for ammunition omit the Usage and Bulk entries; use the standard rules for the type of ammunition to determine reloading times and Bulk.

When using magic ammunition, use your ranged weapon's fundamental runes to determine the attack modifier and damage dice. Don't add the effects of your weapon's property runes unless the ammunition states otherwise—the ammunition creates its own effects. Magic ammunition deals damage on a hit normally in addition to any listed effects unless its description states otherwise.

Regardless of whether an attack with magic ammunition hits or misses, launching the ammunition consumes its magic. Magic ammunition is made of normal materials, not precious materials, unless stated otherwise.

Activated Ammunition

Source GM Core pg. 255 2.0
If magic ammunition doesn't have an Activate entry, it's activated automatically when it's launched. Types of magic ammunition that have an Activate entry must be activated with additional actions before being used. Once you activate the ammunition, you must shoot it before the end of your turn. Otherwise, it deactivates (but it isn't consumed) and you must activate it again before you can use it. If you shoot the ammunition without activating it first, it functions as non-magical ammunition and is still consumed.

The action required to activate the ammunition doesn't alter how many actions it takes to reload. For example, you could activate a beacon shot arrow by touching it with 1 action, then draw and shoot the arrow as part of a Strike as normal. For a beacon shot bolt, you could activate it, load it into a crossbow, then shoot it, or load it into the crossbow, then activate it, and then shoot it.