All Equipment | All Item Bonuses
Adjustments | Adventuring Gear | Alchemical Items | Animals and Gear | Apex Items | Armor | Artifacts | Assistive Items | Basic Magic Weapons | Blighted Boons | Censer | Consumables | Contracts | Cursed Items | Customizations | Figurehead | Grafts | Grimoires | Held Items | High-Tech | Intelligent Items | Materials | Other | Relics | Runes | Services | Shields | Siege Weapons | Snares | Spellhearts | Staves | Structures | Tattoos | Trade Goods | Vehicles | Wands | Weapons | Worn Items


Source GM Core pg. 210 2.0
A villain on the run steals a carriage and sends the characters on a chase through the city, or the characters find an ancient airship and decide to take it for a spin. Whatever the case if vehicles are common throughout your world, they're likely to come up in your game. This section provides the tools you'll need when that happens.

Click here for the full rules on Vehicles.

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