Item Cache
Item 0+Legacy Content
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Bulk —
Item caches serve as places where you can pick up supplies, and suppliers are the people or organizations who provide the items and locations for these caches. This service is useful for scheduling a quick resupply of food along a specified route during a long journey, or for setting up specific items that need to be accessed at an appointed time and place, such as having a cache of weapons accessible to an infiltration party behind enemy lines. On popular travel routes, Firebrands and other adventuring groups have regular access points where they can easily set up a resource drop, thanks to suppliers who are typically supportive locals and who make a small income off running supplies to drop locations.
Cached items carry an automatic 10% markup in addition to a flat fee determined by the rarity and Bulk of the items in total. The price of the cache includes the cost of sourcing the items requested. The maximum item level available for cached items is typically equal to the maximum allowed by the level of the city or settlement.
Extradimensional spaces such as
bags of holding can be used for item caches, and the cost of those specialized containers must be paid in advance. The GM decides if you can commission the services of a supplier who can set up an item cache and what items can be sourced for that particular cache.
Common item caches take 1d6 days to prepare and secure, while uncommon item caches take 1d6 months to prepare and secure due to the volatility of the market— there is no guarantee that a specific uncommon item can be found, even for professionals who have connections with the right networks. The extended time required to locate uncommon items factors into the cost of uncommon item caches. Regardless of the rarity of the items contained, level 1 item caches can hold up to 5 Bulk, level 2 item caches can hold up to 10 Bulk, level 3 item caches can hold up to 25 Bulk, and level 4 item caches can hold up to 50 Bulk. Caches larger than 50 Bulk draw too much attention and must either be broken up into multiple smaller caches or be arranged as alternate deliveries, such as a shipment to a local and trusted warehouse. If you are supplying all the items for an item cache, you need only to pay the flat fee for a common item cache of the appropriate level for the Bulk contained, regardless of the rarity of the items being held in the cache.
Item Cache (Common Cache Level 1)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 2 gp
Item Cache (Common Cache Level 2)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 5 gp
Item Cache (Common Cache Level 3)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 10 gp
Item Cache (Common Cache Level 4)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 50 gp
Item Cache (Uncommon Cache Level 1)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 10 gp
Item Cache (Uncommon Cache Level 2)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 50 gp
Item Cache (Uncommon Cache Level 3)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 100 gp
Item Cache (Uncommon Cache Level 4)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 93 2.0Price 250 gp