Item 0+Legacy Content
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Bulk —
Propaganda is strongly biased information presented in a way that may mislead those who are exposed to it. Most commonly, propaganda is used to drive a specific political agenda. While this is oftentimes a tool utilized by regimes to maintain a specific image among their oppressed people, the Firebrands use propaganda to bring shocking truths to light, drive wedges between enemy factions, and encourage uprisings against tyrannical regimes. Many groups of Firebrands specialize in the creation and dissemination of propaganda, though they are just as likely to utilize local resources to do the disseminating for them. When used at the correct time and place, propagandists can adjust the temperature of the political climate to tear down tyrants and shift the narrative in a way that evokes specific sentiments, like hope or anger, and thus inspires rebellious action.
Spreading propaganda occurs over the course of days because it typically requires time for its widespread dissemination through physical flyers and word of mouth. Once you select a specific subject for your propaganda, it typically takes 1d4+2 days for a propagandist to compose and then disseminate their work. Twice as long is required if the propaganda is contradictory to existing rumors or to the opinions of those viewing or reading it, but only half as long is necessary if the propaganda supports existing rumors and public opinion. Propaganda typically influences an entire settlement or area, though the GM can determine that it only influences specific areas like a city district in a larger city or even a single neighborhood. In these cases, you should be able to pay for more propaganda services to influence additional areas.
The level of the propagandist determines how effective they and their team are at influencing the mindset of the people. The GM rolls a
secret check using the bonus of the propagandist against the DC required to
Gather Information on the given subject of the propaganda. On a success, the propaganda takes hold, becoming the talk of the people for 1 week, or 1 month on a critical success. On a failure, the propaganda is unsuccessful but is otherwise ignored. On a critical failure, the propaganda backfires, and further attempts at propaganda related to that subject fail for 1 week. In addition, the people in the region are aware that someone was trying to spread rumors about the subject.
Propaganda (Level 1)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 15 gp
+6; trained
Propaganda (Level 2)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 25 gp
Propaganda (Level 3)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 40 gp
+9; Expert
Propaganda (Level 4)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 60 gp
Propaganda (Level 5)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 100 gp
Propaganda (Level 6)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 150 gp
Propaganda (Level 7)Item 0
Source Firebrands pg. 94 2.0Price 300 gp
+15; Master