There is a Remastered version

Sow Rumor Feat 2Legacy Content
Uncommon General Secret Skill Source Character Guide pg. 71 2.0Prerequisites expert in
DeceptionAccess members of the Firebrands gain access to them once they reach the
rank of second mark
You spread rumors, which may or may not be true, about a specific subject. If the subject of your rumor is not currently the subject of any contradictory rumors, this takes as long as it would normally take you to
Gather Information (typically 2 hours), at the end of which the GM rolls a secret Deception check to see how well you spread the rumor. If your rumor matches any current rumors about the subject, it takes less time to spread the rumor, and if you are attempting to overtake a particularly popular and contradictory rumor, it takes much longer or may be impossible. The DC similarly increases or decreases depending on how plausible your rumor is.
Critical Success Your rumor spreads like wildfire. Anyone who succeeds at a check to Gather Information on the specific subject learns your rumor in preference to other rumors about the subject. Your rumor persists for 1 month.
Success You successfully spread the rumor. Anyone who succeeds at a check to Gather Information on the specific subject adds your rumor to the list of rumors they could learn about the subject. Your rumor persists for 1 week.
Failure Your rumor dies off, never becoming popular enough for other people to learn it via Gather Information.
Critical Failure You are unable to spread a rumor and take a –4 circumstance penalty to Deception checks to Sow Rumors about the same subject within the same region for 1 week. In addition, a rumor spreads about someone trying to spread false rumors about the subject.
Uncommon: Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
General: A type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
Secret: The GM rolls the check for this ability in secret.
Skill: A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype’s dedication feat.
Firebrand Options
Source Character Guide pg. 71 2.0The Firebrands use a variety of unorthodox equipment and techniques to achieve their goals, whether those goals include drawing attention, or subterfuge and subtlety. The following Firebrand options are uncommon, and members of the Firebrands gain access to them once they reach the rank of second mark. The
Entourage feat is rare even for members of the Firebrands, as it requires a certain degree of fame and in-world activity to acquire, and potentially requires the player or GM to keep track of additional background NPCs. Typically, only third mark and fourth mark Firebrands have the notoriety and social influence required to maintain an entourage. While Firebrands seek to build an entourage more than most adventurers, it’s not unreasonable for any famous character to gain access to it if the players are interested in playing with the
Entourage feat.
Related Feats:
Backup Disguise,