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Terrain Expertise Feat 1Legacy Content
General Skill Source Core Rulebook pg. 267 4.0Prerequisites trained in
Your experience in navigating a certain type of terrain makes you supremely confident while doing so. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Survival checks in one of the following types of terrain, chosen when you select this feat: aquatic, arctic, desert, forest, mountain, plains, sky, swamp, or underground.
Special You can select this feat more than once, choosing a different type of terrain each time.
General: A type of feat that any character can select, regardless of ancestry and class, as long as they meet the prerequisites. You can select a feat with this trait when your class grants a general feat.
Skill: A general feat with the skill trait improves your skills and their actions or gives you new actions for a skill. A feat with this trait can be selected when a class grants a skill feat or general feat. Archetype feats with the skill trait can be selected in place of a skill feat if you have that archetype’s dedication feat.