Ascended Celestial
Source War of Immortals pg. 114You have a noble and kind soul, as shown through your mortal deeds, and have thus earned the chance to join the ranks of celestial beings such as
archons, and
azatas. By continuing to fight against the machinations of the wicked, you can eventually ascend to become a divine being in your own right. When you face seemingly insurmountable challenges to save lives and communities, combat evil, and slay dangerous monsters, you further prove your worthiness.
Ascended celestials commonly rise from obscurity during times of great upheaval or in regions in dire peril. During the Age of Lost Omens, ascended celestials are on the rise, as devastating disasters like the Eye of Abendego and the opening of the Worldwound spread chaos and destruction across Golarion. Other ascended celestials face more political threats as the rule of tyrannical villains like the Black Triune, Geb, Queen Abrogail Thrune II, Walkena, and Tar-Baphon continue uncontested.
Yet for every great evil, a hero rises. In Iblydos, many of the hero-gods, brave souls who strive to achieve their destinies, might be considered ascended celestials. In shadowy Nidal, a Desnan priestess secretly spreads hope and light and plots to break the rule of the Black Triune. In Ustalav, a brave scientist sneaks out at night, destroying undead predators with clever inventions and wisdom gained from folktales. In the shattered ruins of Azlant, an azarketi diver retrieves fragments of an ancient weapon to wield in their fight against the alghollthu veiled masters of the ocean depths.
As Deskari, demon lord of infestations and locusts, attempted to spread the Worldwound across the surface of Avistan,
Queen Galfrey (heroic female human herald), ruler of Mendev, and her closest allies rose up to stop him, bringing an end to the Fifth Mendevian Crusade. Queen Galfrey became an ascended celestial upon the closure of the Worldwound, rising to the celestial ranks as Iomedae’s herald.
The Tian Xia nation of Tianjing was once the site of a great war between qlippoths and celestials. Triumphant against the fiends, the heavenly host remained in the Universe to repair the landscape and protect it from further incursion. When mortals began to populate the area, the celestials entrusted them with guardianship, establishing magical seals that would keep the qlippoths at bay. Today, though, these seals are beginning to weaken, and a young acolyte named
Chogyel (diligent nonbinary human nephilim priest) has begun to notice strange signs of supernatural activity in Tamdrin Vale. Their faith will soon be tested, putting them on the path toward becoming an ascended celestial.
As many generations of the nation of Holomog have been exposed to celestial energy, the population of nephilim is larger than average.
Ghunda Gutrim (boisterous male
ganzi musician) patrols the border of the Field of Maidens to rescue and lift the spirits of those who accidentally wandered into the haunted area.
You count yourself among these heroes with the potential to become ascended celestials. Whether you battle wickedness with righteous might, inspire your community to perform worthy acts of charity, or act in secret against a rising tide of darkness, your actions result in making the world a better place. You are likely humble about these accomplishments, performing them not out of a desire for glory, but from a place of compassion and empathy. You may not even be aware that you’ve garnered the metaphysical attention of the celestial realms. Others, though, can see the holy light that radiates from your person, if not physically, then spiritually. Until your eventual ascension, you continue to work for the great greater good, no matter who or what stands in your way.
Click here for more rules on using this archetype.Uncommon Destiny Fortune Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 115Archetype Ascended Celestial
Your Calling has driven you to perform mortal deeds that will result in your ascension to the ranks of celestials. You’re headstrong and determined and hardly waver in your resolve; once per hour, you can roll twice and use the higher result on a Will saving throw. If you ever become
confused, rather than attack wildly, you become stubbornly immobile, wasting all your actions until the condition ends.
Additionally, you emanate a nimbus of light. You shed
bright light in a 30-foot radius (and
dim light to the next 30 feet). You can suppress or reestablish this light as a single action that has the concentrate trait. As long as your nimbus is active, all allies in the area of your nimbus gain a +1 status bonus to saves against fear. You gain the Bless Ally action.
Bless Ally [one-action] (
Frequency once per 10 minutes;
Requirements Your nimbus is active;
Target a willing ally within the bright light of your nimbus;
Effect Your radiance grants an ally some of your celestial grace. That ally can roll twice and use the higher result for the next Will save they attempt before the beginning of your next turn.
Divine Manipulate Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 115Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial DedicationRequirements Your nimbus is active.
You transfer a portion of your divine spark to an ally, temporarily dimming your nimbus to encase an ally in a barrier of light that repels attackers. Select a willing creature within the
bright light of your nimbus. You surround the target in a protective barrier of light; this is a 10-foot
emanation centered on the target. This barrier lasts for 1 minute, or until you
Dismiss it. While the Aegis of the Innocent is active, the area of your nimbus is halved.
The target gains a +1 status bonus to AC. Any enemy within the barrier, or entering the barrier, must attempt a Fortitude saving throw against your class DC or your spell DC. A creature needs to attempt this save only once each round.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature becomes
dazzled for 1 round and treats the space within the barrier as
difficult terrain.
Failure The creature becomes
dazzled for 1 minute, is pushed 10 feet, and treats the space within the barrier as difficult terrain. If a creature would be pushed into a solid barrier or another creature, it stops at that point and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is also
blinded for 1 round.
Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 115Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
As you strive to ascend to the ranks of celestials, the pull of gravity loosens on your body. You gain a
fly Speed equal to your land Speed and the Flyby Attack action. When you gain this feat, you can choose to sprout wings, if desired; these wings are permanent.
Once per day as a single action, you can fly at incredible speeds. When you do, your fly Speed becomes equal to double your Speed for 5 rounds.
Flyby Attack [two-actions] Effect You Fly and can make a Strike at any point along the way.
Concentrate Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialFrequency once per hour
Prerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
You embrace your divine spark, unleashing your full potential. Your nimbus automatically activates (if it isn’t already) and the area of your nimbus doubles; you shed
bright light for 60 feet (and
dim light to the next 60 feet). You can’t suppress your nimbus while Channeling your Divine Spark. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level, and
resistance to physical damage equal to half your level. You gain the
quickened condition and can use the extra action each round only for
Strike and
Stride actions. Each time that you damage a creature with a melee Strike, you can attempt to
Shove or
Trip that creature as a free action. These effects last for 1 minute.
Concentrate Exploration Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 115Archetype Ascended CelestialFrequency once per day
Prerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
For many, the Calling of an ascended celestial is a wondrous but challenging path, which they must walk alone. This isn’t the case for you. A single celestial is responsible for shepherding you into the celestial ranks and has offered to serve as a mentor to you throughout the time of your transformation. You can call upon this mentor for advice, guidance, and support. Once per day, you can spend 30 minutes in deep meditation. During this time, you spiritually converse with your celestial advisor. You gain three benefits during this conversation, which can occur in any order of your choosing.
You discuss a topic of interest with your celestial advisor. This allows you to
Recall Knowledge on any topic once, with mythic proficiency. You can spend 1
Mythic Point to instead Recall Knowledge on any three topics with mythic proficiency.
You discuss a goal, activity, or event with your celestial advisor. This must be a goal you plan to achieve or an event you expect to happen within 1 week. Your celestial advisor gives you a piece of advice to help you achieve your goal or to see your way through the expected event. This has the effect of
read omens.
You discuss an immediate action that you intend to take with your celestial advisor. This must be an action you plan to take within the next 8 hours. Your celestial advisor gives you their opinion on the outcome. This has the effect of
augury, except that the augury can see 8 hours into the future, and the GM doesn’t roll a flat check for a failure.
Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
You’ve learned to communicate with creatures from all over the world, overcoming language barriers to lend a hand and help where you’re needed. You’re affected by a constant
truespeech spell.
When you attempt a
Diplomacy check to
Make an Impression or
Request, you can spend 1
Mythic Point to make the check at mythic proficiency.
Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial DedicationTrigger You would take damage from an enemy’s critical
You’re nigh invincible, and it’s clear that your foe is so far beneath you that they have no hope of winning. Spend 1
Mythic Point. The triggering
Strike becomes a regular hit instead of a critical hit and you gain
resistance to physical damage equal to your level until the beginning of your next turn. During your next turn, if you attempt a
Demoralize check against the triggering creature, you do so at mythic proficiency.
Uncommon Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
You imbue a fragment of your divine spark into a weapon, blessing your blade and transforming it into a weapon worthy of the celestial realms. Select one weapon or
handwraps of mighty blows when you make your
daily preparations. The weapon sheds light like a
torch, deals an additional 1d8 spirit damage, and creatures who wield it gain the weapon’s
critical specialization.
When you critically hit a target with the weapon, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or spell DC (whichever is higher) or be
blinded for 1d4 rounds.
As a single action that has the
concentration trait, you can hold your hand aloft and call this weapon back to your possession; it immediately teleports into your hand.
While you’re holding this weapon, you can spend 1 Mythic Point as a single action to temporarily grant a blessing to weapons wielded by your allies. Each ally within the
bright light of your nimbus when you take this action selects one weapon in their possession. For 1 minute, the selected weapons gain the following benefits: the weapon sheds light like a torch, the weapon deals an additional 1d6
spirit damage, and creatures who wield the weapon gain the weapon’s critical specialization.
Concentrate Mythic Spellshape Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
Infused with celestial light, your magic can more effectively heal wounds and purge afflictions. If your next action is to
Cast a Spell with the
healing trait on a living creature, one target of that spell regains a number of Hit Points equal to your level (in addition to any Hit Points they would normally gain). In addition, you can attempt to
counteract a
disease or
poison affecting one target of that spell. These two targets can be the same creature or different creatures, as long as they are both targets of the healing spell.
Concentrate Flourish Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial DedicationRequirements Your nimbus is active.
Even alone, you’re a force to be reckoned with— an army of one, so long as you have your celestial armaments. Spend 1 Mythic Point. If you’re not currently wielding your celestial armament, it immediately teleports into your hand. With a gesture and a whispered prayer, you launch your celestial armament into the air, where it flies with a mind of its own, attacking every enemy within your nimbus. Make a
Strike with that weapon against each enemy in the
bright light of your nimbus. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your penalty doesn’t increase until you have made all your attacks. After these attacks are complete, your weapon returns to your hand.
Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 116Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
Your senses are enhanced by your divine spark, enabling you see things as they truly are, piercing through illusions, transformations, and lies. You’re affected by a constant
truesight spell. Additionally, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to
Sense Motive and to Perception DCs against attempts to
Lie to you. When a creature attempts to Lie to you, they roll the
Deception check to Lie twice and use the worse result; this is a
misfortune effect.
Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 117Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Channel Divine Spark
When you unleash your divine spark, you become a being of living light that scours away the darkness. While Channeling your Divine Spark, you become immune to the
confused and
frightened conditions. Any creature that touches you or damages you with an unarmed melee attack or a non-
reach melee weapon takes 3d6 fire damage, your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 additional fire damage, and your fire spells deal one additional die of fire damage (of the same damage die the spell uses). This damage is doubled against creatures with the
fiend, or
undead trait.
Concentrate Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 117Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial DedicationRequirements Your nimbus is active.
With a righteous word, your divine aura inspires your allies to great heroics and causes foes to tremble. Spend 1 Mythic Point. All allies in the
bright light of your nimbus gain a +3 status bonus to attack rolls and skill checks, and the status bonus they receive to saving throws against fear increases to +3. These bonuses last for 1 minute or as long as they remain in the bright light of your nimbus, whichever comes first. Each enemy in the bright light of your nimbus attempts a Will saving throw against your class DC or spell DC (whichever is higher) with the following effects. For the next minute, an enemy can’t reduce its
frightened condition below 1 while it remains in the bright light of your nimbus.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is frightened 1, but can immediately
Step as long it moves away from you.
Failure The creature is frightened 2 and you are concealed to that creature while it has the frightened condition.
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 3 and you are
hidden to that creature while it has the frightened condition.
Uncommon Mythic Source War of Immortals pg. 117Archetype Ascended CelestialPrerequisites Ascended Celestial Dedication
Through your diligence and commitment to heroics, you finally complete your apotheosis into a true
celestial. Your appearance changes as desired, becoming a perfect expression of your true self. You cease aging, and you can’t die from old age. You become immune to
poison and
disease. You gain the celestial and
holy traits, as well as the
archon, or
azata trait, depending on whose ranks you are joining.
You become a vessel of vitality. You can cast
breath of life once per day as a 5th-rank innate
divine spell and
heal twice per day as a 7th-rank innate divine spell. When you
cast a spell with the
healing trait that doesn’t target you, you channel this healing energy through your own body before releasing it. You regain 1d6 Hit Points per level of the spell. In addition, you can cast
raise dead as a 10th-rank innate divine spell. When you do, the cost to cast this spell changes to “spend 1
Mythic Point.”
If you die, you’re immediately reborn as a
nephilim of an ancestry of your choosing or decided in conjunction with your GM. You are descended from the celestials whose trait you bear—agathion, angel, archon, or azata. This might be represented by a lineage feat. You can choose if you will be reborn on
the Universe,
Heaven, or
Nirvana. Regardless of where you’re reborn, celestials watch over you, keeping you safe throughout your life. When you reach the age of maturity, you regain your previous powers and memories, becoming an ascended celestial once again. These memories are faint and dreamlike, as if they happened to another person, giving you perspective and history, but not supplanting your current personality or emotional connections.