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Summon Lesser Servitor
[three-actions] Spell 1Legacy Content
Conjuration Source Secrets of Magic pg. 134 2.0PFS Note The summon lesser servitor spell cannot be used to summon imps.
Traditions divineCast [three-actions] material,
verbalRange 30 feet
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
While deities jealously guard their most powerful servants from the summoning spells of those who aren't steeped in the faith, this spell allows you to conjure an inhabitant of the
Outer Sphere with or without the deity's permission. You summon a common
monitor, or
fiend whose level is –1 to fight on your behalf. Alternatively, you can choose a magical animal from the Outer Sphere as your lesser servitor. This animal is your choice of an
guard dog, or
raven. It gains the alignment matching your deity (or you, if you don't have a deity) and has the following trait depending on the alignment it gained: celestial for good, monitor for neutral, or fiend for evil.
You can't summon a creature if it is opposed to your deity's alignment on either axis (or opposed to your alignment if you don't follow a deity). For example, if you deity is lawful good, you can't summon a chaotic or evil creature. The GM might determine that deities restrict specific types of creatures even if their alignments aren't diametrically opposed. For example,
Pharasma would restrict the summoning of
Heightening the spell increases the maximum level of creature you can summon and might add additional animal servitors, which otherwise work like the eagle, guard dog, and raven.
Heightened (2nd) Level 1.
Heightened (3rd) Level 2. You can summon a
black bear,
giant bat, or
Heightened (4th) Level 3. You can summon a
great white shark or
U Uncommon
R Rare
Level 0 Lesser Servitors
Lemure (LE)
Level 1 Lesser Servitors
Arbiter (LN),
Augur (LE),
Cacodaemon (NE),
Cassisian (NG),
CythnigotU (CE),
Doru (LE),
Esipil (NE),
Imp (LE),
Lantern Archon (LG),
Lyrakien (CG),
Nosoi (N),
Ostovite (CE),
Quasit (CE),
RaktavarnaU (LE),
Shaukeen (LE),
Silvanshee (NG),
Voidworm (CN)
Level 2 Lesser Servitors
Corrosive LizardU (NE),
Dretch (CE),
Granite VultureR (LE),
Meokdan (CE),
Stone Lion CubU (NG),
VargouilleR (NE)
Level 3 Lesser Servitors
Akizendri (CN),
Blood WolfU (NE),
Esobok (N),
Hell Hound (LE),
Smoldering LeopardU (NE),
Vermlek (CE),
Vlorian CythnigotR (CE),
Yeth Hound (CE),
Zebub (LE)