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Accessory Runes | Armor Property Runes | Fundamental Armor Runes | Fundamental Weapon Runes | Shield Rune | Weapon Property Runes

PFS StandardImpossibleItem 20

Legacy Content

Conjuration Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 33 1.1
Price 70,000 gp
Usage etched onto a weapon; Bulk
This rune makes a weapon capable of impossible offense and defense. The etched weapon is immune to dispel magic and similar effects that could counteract its magic. If it's a ranged weapon or thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.

Activate [two-actions] command, envision (teleportation); Frequency once per hour; Effect You and the weapon flash to a perfect attacking position, then return to where you started. Make a Strike with the etched weapon against one creature you can see, even if the target is beyond the weapon's reach or range. On this Strike, ignore any circumstance penalty, status penalty, and range increment penalty.